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Case Study Lameri

LAMERI SpA has been operating since 1968 in the transformation and trade of cereals thanks to a consolidated family tradition that has been able to combine past and innovation in the agro-food sector. Currently the Lameri group has six production plants, three of which are dedicated to BREAKFAST CEREALS and SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS for INDUSTRY. The storage capacity of 22,000 tons of raw material and the availability of covered warehouses for 11,000 square meters of finished product allow an effective single loading and unloading service in the territory, with the collaboration of the main Italian and European terminals.

Customer needs and objectives

Lameri Group for the 6 production plants had an MPLS network with poor performance, high costs and without a backup. The customer's request was to have a review of the network that would reduce recurring expenses, be scalable and redundant but at the same time maintain ease of management and monitoring.

The Peplink proposal

Based on the above needs, Know IT has proposed a solution that combines reliability , resilience and wide bandwidth availability . This solution is based on the innovative SpeedFusionTM technology that allows you to aggregate the bandwidth of available connections by creating VPNs between Peplink endpoints located in different points of the customer's infrastructure. In the specific case it was decided for two Peplink Balance 380 , installed in high reliability in the main office, and one Peplink Balance 305 , in each of the peripheral offices, connected in VPN to the Balance 380 of the main office. In this way, thanks to SpeedFusionTM technology, all offices are connected in a reliable and secure way, guaranteeing the customer an “always-on” connectivity. All this makes it possible to guarantee resilience in the continuous exchange of data not only towards the main office, but also between the peripheral plants.

Another challenge faced was that of continuing to guarantee connectivity even where land lines are absent or at risk of faults. For this functionality it was decided for the Peplink MAX Router family and in particular the MAX HD2 which, by exploiting the 4G LTE technology, made it possible to overcome any limitations of land lines. "

Benefits Obtained

With the Peplink SD-WAN solution , Lameri has achieved all the set goals:

- Costs : following the implementation of the Peplink network, Lameri confirmed a saving on operating costs ;

- Performance : thanks to the installation of the new solution, the bandwidth has been improved in all the offices, increasing at the same time both the user experience of interactive activities and the speed of batch processes;

- Connectivity redundancy : the Peplink solution provides for the use of multiple lines: in the most important sites, the lines are both active in order to reduce the probability of faults, while in the less strategic ones a classic backup on a 4G line has been chosen.

- Ease of management and monitoring were obtained through InControl2 , the technology that allows you to manage and configure Peplink devices remotely. Incontrol2 monitors the equipment allowing Lameri Group to have the health status of the lines and the machines themselves in real time.

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